ProCredit Bank

ProCredit Bank

0800 000 10 Contact Centru

+373 22 27 07 07 pentru apeluri internaționale

Adresa juridică: bd. Ştefan cel Mare şi Sfânt, nr. 65, oficiul 901, MD-2001, Chişinău, Republica Moldova



Changes in legislation regarding taxation of private individuals

Dear clients,


In accordance with the Law on the amendment of some normative acts no. 446 of December 8, 2022, in force from January 1, 2023, art. 901 of the Fiscal Code no. 1163/1997 was amended paragraph (37). Thus, starting from January 1, 2023:


Bank will withhold a tax of 7% from the interest paid to resident private individuals on the balances of term deposit accounts and saving accounts.


Therefore, the tax is withheld when the interest is paid on the current account.


For additional information call us 0800 000 10 for national calls and +373 (22) 27 07 07 for international calls.



The ProCredit Bank