ProCredit Bank

ProCredit Bank

0800 000 10 Contact Centru

+373 22 27 07 07 pentru apeluri internaționale

Adresa juridică: bd. Ştefan cel Mare şi Sfânt, nr. 65, oficiul 901, MD-2001, Chişinău, Republica Moldova



To the shareholders of B.C. “ProCredit Bank” S.A. Notice of convening the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders B.C. “ProCredit Bank” S.A.

In accordance with the Law on Joint Stock Companies no. 1134-XIII dated on April 20, 1997, pursuant to the decision of the Bank Council dated on November 06, 2020, the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders B.C. “ProCredit Bank” S.A. shall be convened on November 25, 2020. The meeting will take place in person with the shareholders present.

The meeting will be held on at the following address: Rohmerplatz 33-37, 60486 Franfurt am Main, Federal Republic of Germany, at 10:00 a.m., local time, on November 25, 2020.

The meeting agenda is as follows:

  1. Determination of a quorum. 
  2. Election of the President and the Secretary of the meeting.
  3. Review and approval of the agenda. 
  4. Approval of the Corporate Governance Code of the Bank in new edition.
  5. Approval of the Bank's Statute in new edition.
  6. Other questions.

Regarding materials related to the agenda of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders, the Bank will send the relevant documents to the shareholders at their respective headquarters. The shareholders can also enquire with them starting from November 16, 2020, at the B.C. “ProCredit Bank” S.A. headquarter during working hours from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

The list of shareholders entitled to participate in the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders shall be drawn up by the Central Securities Depository based on the situation on November 16, 2020. Registration of participants at the meeting will be based on the presented personal identification documents. Representatives of the participants should additionally present letter of attorney in original, legalized in accordance with Moldavian law.

Management Board of B.C. “ProCredit Bank” S.A.