ProCredit Bank

ProCredit Bank

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+373 22 27 07 07 pentru apeluri internaționale

Adresa juridică: bd. Ştefan cel Mare şi Sfânt, nr. 65, oficiul 901, MD-2001, Chişinău, Republica Moldova



ProCredit group helps its customers find new partners and take on new markets



ProCredit group helps its customers find new partners and take on new markets


In May 2016 the ProCredit group brought together business clients from South Eastern and Eastern Europe for an international business event in Thessaloniki (Greece). The gathering was occasioned by two events: the signing of a EUR 20 million loan agreement, whose funds will benefit Greek SMEs, between the European Investment Fund (EIF) and the ProCredit group (Germany); and the opening of ProCredit Bank’s branch in Thessaloniki.According to Rodica Jalba, Deputy Chairperson of ProCredit Bank Moldova Management Board, the event was attended by 500 SME clients from different countries.

Eleven customers of ProCredit Bank Moldova attended the event. Ms Jalba explained that invitations had been given to customers who already had business partners in the countries in which the group operates. The delegation also included representatives of companies engaged in imports (distribution and retail), offering them an opportunity to find new suppliers, as well as export-oriented producers, eager to take on new markets.     

To kick off the morning part of the programme, Borislav Kostadinov, member of ProCredit Holding Management Board, introduced the ProCredit group as a partner for SMEs. Next, Hans-Joachim Fuchtel, Member of the German Parliament, Parliamentary Secretary of State at the Federal Ministry for Economic Co-operation and Development, spoke about the development of the region around Thessaloniki. Mr Fuchtel’s speech was followed by a welcoming address from Konstantinos Michalos, President of the Union of Hellenic Chambers of Commerce and Industry, Greece.
The signing of the agreement between the EIF and ProCredit is an optimistic sign of development for the Greek economy, as it will facilitate lending to innovative small and medium enterprises (SMEs), as well as to mid-cap companies under the “EU InnovFin Financing for Innovation” initiative, with support from the European Commission.



The B2B meetings commenced at around noon, allowing similar SMEs from different countries to find common interests and consider cooperation.

Ms Jalba explained that a new approach to meetings was tested on the group level and individual schedules of bilateral meetings were created for each participant. All meetings were scheduled in advance so that the guests could meet as many potential partners from other companies as possible, discuss further cooperation, and find new markets, suppliers of goods and services. Many participants signed contracts regarding further economic cooperation.


During the event, clients and visitors also had the opportunity to become better acquainted with the ProCredit banks and the ProCredit group thanks to the 11 stands staffed by the ProCredit banks (ten from the region along with ProCredit Bank Germany). The stands provided information about the banks’ services, especially the attractive conditions for payment transactions between the various countries of the group. Ms Jalba pointed out that this is a great opportunity for Moldovan legal entities, as they can benefit from this offer to carry out international commercial operations. They can open current accounts, apply for loans, financial guarantees, etc.



In another area of the event venue, a “Green Exhibition” presented the group’s approach to environmental management, providing examples involving both clients and staff. And last but not least, attendees had the chance to tour the newly opened modern branch in Thessaloniki with its fully installed 24/7 self-service area that is equipped with the latest technology.




During the second part of the event, ProCredit organised a round of special presentations on ProCredit’s modern approach to banking. The first, held by Mr Kostadinov and devoted to ProCredit’s green approach to finance, described how the principles are applied and lived by the group. Next, Christoph Freytag, spokesman of the Management Board of ProCredit Bank Germany, discussed the advantages of the bank’s fair and attractive services for the South Eastern and Eastern Europe region. To wrap up the afternoon part of the programme, Dr Claus-Peter Zeitinger, the “guiding spirit” of the ProCredit group, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of ProCredit Holding and owner of IPC, the largest single shareholder, presented the high standards of the group-wide staff policy as well as the training and continuing professional development programme for staff.

The B2B event helped the ProCredit group to show that it is not just a provider of banking services – it is a financial partner dedicated to helping businesses develop. Ms Jalba emphasised that if customers develop, so will any financial institution.

“The management of the ProCredit group always seeks not only to provide its customers with financial support and high-quality banking services, but also to help them reach a new level of development. This includes consulting services, an individual approach to each customer’s needs, and assistance in finding new business partners,” Ms Jalba elaborated.






ProCredit Bank Moldova’s approach to client relationships is unique in the Moldovan market. The bank has been holding regional events for legal entities for many years, where companies can share their experience, offer suggestions for improving the financial sector and discuss other important and interesting topics. Business owners who are customers of the ProCredit banks in Bulgaria and Romania have also attended these events and described the development of business in their countries and the peculiarities of operating on EU markets. The bank also invites customers to international exhibitions: this year, our clients attended specialised expositions in Germany and Serbia. This is further evidence that ProCredit Bank Moldova is not only a bank that provides a full range of financial services, but a reliable and dedicated business partner.