ProCredit Bank

ProCredit Bank

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+373 22 27 07 07 pentru apeluri internaționale

Adresa juridică: bd. Ştefan cel Mare şi Sfânt, nr. 65, oficiul 901, MD-2001, Chişinău, Republica Moldova



ProCredit Bank’s new concept of customer service

On November 26, ProCredit Bank inaugurated the 24/7 self-service zone concept at one of its branches and presented this new approach to customer service. The bank’s customers and partners, as well as media representatives, attended the opening ceremony.

The new concept includes a full range of services that are optimally designed to meet our customers’ needs. This is not just a new approach to service, however: it is an innovation for Moldova’s banking sector.


  Mr. Alois Knobloch, Chairperson of the Supervisory Board, noted that today is a great day for the ProCredit group. “Today, at this event in Moldova, the ProCredit group is introducing a new concept of customer service that we have implemented in all countries in which we operate. The introduction of the self-service areas – 24/7 Zones – is a logical step towards implementing our vision of banking. Using the most modern technology, we have implemented services that are easy to use and will save our clients’ time. This is especially valuable for our business clients.”

 “Modern businesspeople manage their businesses in a very dynamic way. Despite the huge number of challenges in running a business, most of the tasks are banal routines. Unfortunately, it usually involves “working time” to solve them, which means that very little time remains for the important things, and business owners end up having only an hour or two per day to take the really important decisions. That’s why ProCredit Bank decided to change the stereotypes about banking services. Now we allow our customers to focus on important things and forget about the routines. They no longer need to adjust their day according the bank’s schedule or waste time in queues,” added Ms. Ecaterina Coroli, Head of the Business Department.

With the time they save by making routine transactions at the 24/7 Zones instead of queueing, our customers can make an appointment with a business consultant during the work day and discuss strategic plans that require banking support, whether it is related to financing, the need for new services, or special requirements. At the same time, our staff will increase their professional skills on an ongoing basis through special trainings and seminars, so as to always be at the top level and to be able to provide highly professional advice to clients from various business sectors.

Ms. Natalia Osadcii, Deputy Chairwoman of the Executive Committee, described the new concept of customer service as follows: “This is the beginning of the new standards for banking services. We can delegate all routine operations to machines, and this will save a significant amount of time for our customers. Now the bank is adapting to clients so that the clients do not have to adapt to the bank’s opening hours.”

After the official part of the event, Mr. Knobloch and one of the bank’s loyal customers, Mr. Vladimir Cosariov, cut the red ribbon in the self-service zone.

Ms. Coroli demonstrated how easy it is to use each machine and which advantages they offer to the customers. In the self-service zone, customers will be able to deposit or withdraw cash and deposit daily revenues. The zones are accessible 24/7 with a bank card.

The guests were happy to share their positive experiences.
Mr. Cosariov, Director of the Aprotehpro company, commented:
“We have been working with this bank since day one. We work with many other banks, but this bank is constantly surprising us with its innovations. I don’t know anyone who enjoys standing in queues. But here - 15 minutes and you’re ready to go! The most important thing is that the bank never stops taking care of its customers.”


Mr. Sergiu Toderici, Director of the ICS Plastics-Mol company:
“Nowadays, the most important thing is to use time efficiently. ProCredit Bank has introduced a concept that is designed expressly for this purpose. 24-hour service is an expected and viable product that is very common in Europe. Now this service is also available in Moldova at ProCredit Bank.”
By implementing the new concept of service, the bank has taken another step in its development, and it is consolidating its position on the Moldovan market.

Ms. Evgenia Gashikulina, Deputy Chairman of the Executive Committee, characterizes the bank as a reliable partner: “We are a bank with international shareholders, we are a bank which is focused on development and we are a bank that has a clear business strategy. ProCredit is definitely a bank that is worth trusting, worth working with, and worth doing business with.”

Thanks to this new approach to customer service, we take over the routine part of your business so that you can focus on the more important things!