ProCredit Bank

ProCredit Bank

0800 000 10 Contact Centru

+373 22 27 07 07 pentru apeluri internaționale

Adresa juridică: bd. Ştefan cel Mare şi Sfânt, nr. 65, oficiul 901, MD-2001, Chişinău, Republica Moldova



ProCredit Bank increases its paid-in capital

ProCredit Bank’s responsible business model and our long-term commitment to our clients form a solid basis for additional growth.

Since its foundation in December 2007, ProCredit Bank and its shareholders have supported very small and small enterprises in Moldova, as these businesses create jobs and make a vital contribution to the development of the country’s economy. ProCredit Bank lends responsibly. That means taking care to ensure that our borrowers do not become over-indebted. It also means that the bank applies strict environmental criteria to ensure that investments made with a ProCredit loan do not harm the environment, and even have a positive impact on it. Over the years, the bank has supported the development of thousands of small businesses engaged in agriculture, production, trade and other activities.

ProCredit Bank has always offered simple and easy-to-understand savings services, and the thousands of clients who keep their savings with the bank today can be sure that their money is safe. We strongly believe that savings form the basis of a sound economy and help people to overcome difficult times. That is why the bank has always fostered a savings culture, offering financial education programmes aimed at explaining to existing and potential clients how banking services work and how clients can find out which ones meet their needs, and how much they will cost.

To sustain the pace of its dynamic development, ProCredit Bank has recently increased its paid-in capital to MDL 388,850,000 by issuing additional shares. All of the new shares were subscribed by the majority shareholder, ProCredit Holding, based in Germany, signalling its confidence in the stability of the bank and a long-term commitment to maintaining its position in the Moldovan market. The bank is 100% foreign-owned: its transparent shareholder structure is exclusively made up of German and Dutch entities with over 25 years’ experience in responsible banking.

“In its six years of operation, the bank has consistently shown healthy and stable growth. We are confident that ProCredit Bank Moldova is well-positioned to play an important role in servicing Moldova’s very small and small businesses, as well as private clients, in a responsible and customer-oriented manner. The recent capital increase has not only strengthened the bank’s capital base, but has also underscored the shareholders’ strong commitment to the institution” says Stephan Boven, Chairman of the Board of Directors.

ProCredit Bank owes its success to its team of dedicated professional employees, its responsible business model and its clear development strategy. Ever since it went into operation, the bank has achieved steady growth. As of May 2013 it reported a loan portfolio of more than MDL 2.2 billion and a deposit base of MDL 1.3 billion. More than 34,000 clients have chosen ProCredit Bank because of its reliability and the quality of service it offers.

ProCredit Bank Moldova is part of the international ProCredit group of financial institutions led by ProCredit Holding, the bank’s principal shareholder. ProCredit Holding has an investment-grade rating (BBB-) which was re-confirmed in July 2013 by Fitch Ratings. At the end of 2012 the ProCredit group reported share capital of EUR 503,134 million and total assets of EUR 5,768,544 billion.


German bank ProCredit Bank. Together. Day by day.


ProCredit Bank is a bank with 100% foreign capital and with shareholders exclusively from Germany and the Netherlands: ProCredit Holding, Germany (85.82%); KfW, Germany (10.19%); and DOEN Foundation, The Netherlands (3.98%). The bank is part of the international ProCredit group, which operates in 22 countries in Eastern Europe, Latin America as well as in Germany.

ProCredit Bank aims to set new quality standards for its products and services. Furthermore, by offering them in a transparent and open manner, we are contributing to the public’s growing trust in banks.


© ProCredit Bank, July 18, 2013. All rights reserved.