ProCredit Bank

ProCredit Bank

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Adresa juridică: bd. Ştefan cel Mare şi Sfânt, nr. 65, oficiul 901, MD-2001, Chişinău, Republica Moldova



Seminars on energy efficiency projects and how to finance them

Social responsibility towards the environment is an essential part of the business model that guides the activity of ProCredit Bank Moldova, and the ProCredit group as a whole. An important aspect of environmental responsibility is the search for more efficient ways to use energy and resources. In this context, ProCredit Bank developed a series of seminars on energy efficiency and renewable energy projects and how they can be financed. The seminars were aimed at business owners who are active in many different sectors of the economy.
The ProCredit Bank team, together with representatives of the Moldovan Sustainable Energy Financing Facility (MoSEFF) met with hundreds of owners of very small and small businesses from Comrat, Edinet, Balti, Soroca and Cahul, with the aim of providing complete, detailed and accurate answers to the participants’ questions. The meetings were organised as an open and pro-active dialogue, during which the participants discussed possible ways to lower the consumption – and the cost – of natural resources, and to reduce CO2 and other gas emissions. Moreover, the entrepreneurs found out how energy efficient methods and equipment not only help to protect the environment, but can also bring significant competitive advantages to their businesses by making their production processes more reliable, and improving workplace safety and general working conditions for their employees. And last but not least, the participants were shown the concrete steps involved in implementing projects aimed at introducing energy efficient technologies.
As a further incentive for business owners to invest in energy efficiency projects, ProCredit Bank, in co-operation with the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), is offering special promotional loans under the MoSEFF 2 credit line. These “Eco” loans are designed to enable very small and small enterprises to purchase energy efficiency equipment and/or convert to renewable energy sources, thus contributing to the sustainable and profitable development of their business. Each loan includes a subsidy of between 5% and 20% of the total project value, depending on the technology used, the amount of energy saved and the reduction in CO2 emissions.
In the future, similar seminars will also be organised in other parts of the Republic of Moldova, in order to inform entrepreneurs in Orhei, Ungheni, Chisinau and other cities about the advantages of investing in energy efficiency projects and the opportunities they can create.


As well as providing financial support for its business clients’ energy efficiency projects, ProCredit Bank is contributing to the society in which it operates by undertaking environmental projects and promoting resource awareness among its employees. In this context, the bank has developed a long-term internal campaign for its employees: it has produced various educational materials designed to raise awareness of the need to save energy and use it more efficiently, and has organised activities in which the staff spend their free time cleaning local parks. These are small but important steps towards making the planet cleaner.
ProCredit Bank. Together. Day by day.
ProCredit Bank is an international bank with 100% foreign capital and with shareholders exclusively from Germany and the Netherlands: ProCredit Holding, Germany (84.91%); KfW, Germany (10.85%); and DOEN Foundation, the Netherlands (4.24%). The bank is part of the international ProCredit group, which operates in 21 countries in Eastern Europe and Latin America.
ProCredit Bank is a stable institution dedicated to the long-lasting development of very small, small and medium-sized enterprises. We aim to play a role in the development of these enterprises by investing the time to truly understand their needs and by providing banking services which are tailored to the specifics of our clients’ businesses.
ProCredit Bank offers a wide range of secure, simple and accessible banking services. We believe that saving is essential for a stable future, which is why we pay special attention to fostering and developing a savings culture among our clients.
ProCredit Bank aims to set new quality standards for its services. Furthermore, by offering these services in a transparent and open manner, we are contributing to the public’s growing trust in banks.
For additional information, please contact the Head of Marketing and PR Department, Lilia Pintea, telephone: 022-836-430, e-mail:
© ProCredit Bank, December 5, 2012. All rights reserved.