ProCredit Bank

ProCredit Bank

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ProCredit Bank holds a financial literacy seminar – “Portmoneul inteligent” (Smart Wallet)

On Sunday, November 4, to mark International Savings Day, ProCredit Bank and Evenda organised a financial literacy seminar dedicated to the efficient management of personal finances. The “Portmoneul inteligent” event attracted approximately 300 participants and addressed the following questions: What is the most efficient way to manage my personal finances? Why is financial literacy important for our children? How do I draw up a monthly household budget? What banking services provide the most security and the highest returns?
Business trainer Konstantin Novikov provided answers to these questions and offered practical advice to the participants. He emphasised the importance of saving first and spending more efficiently later. In order to do so, he explained, it is crucial to draw up a monthly household budget, as proper planning is essential for successful money management and saving.
Banks offer the most accessible options for managing our savings. In addition to offering an attractive interest rate on deposits, banks can help to promote efficient financial management by assuring clients that their money is safe in banks and that they can access their funds at any time.
“Today ProCredit Bank and Evenda are happy to offer you this financial literacy seminar and are very proud of their co-operation. Recently, ProCredit Bank and the entire banking community celebrated International Savings Day. This seminar is aimed at boosting our efforts to create and maintain a savings culture, taking into account the importance of saving for not only our own personal well-being, but that of  our families and society as well”, Natalia Osadcii, Deputy Chairperson of the Management Board of ProCredit Bank stated in her welcome speech at the opening of the seminar.


It is never too late to start saving: even a small amount saved today will make a difference tomorrow. ProCredit Bank would like to thank all of the seminar participants. As always, we would be happy to advise you on how our straight-forward and accessible services can help you to manage your personal finances and savings efficiently.  


To see more photos from the “Portmoneul inteligent” financial literacy seminar, please click here.
Save today for a safer future tomorrow.

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ProCredit Bank is an international bank with 100% foreign capital and with shareholders exclusively from Germany and the Netherlands: ProCredit Holding, Germany (82.89%); KfW, Germany (12.3%); and DOEN Foundation, the Netherlands (4.81%). The bank is part of the international ProCredit group, which operates in 21 countries in Eastern Europe and Latin America.

ProCredit Bank is a stable institution dedicated to the long-lasting development of very small, small and medium-sized enterprises. We aim to play a role in the development of these enterprises by investing the time to truly understand their needs and by providing banking services which are tailored to the particularities of our client’s businesses.

ProCredit Bank offers a wide range of secure, simple and accessible banking services. We believe that saving is essential for a stable future, which is why we pay special attention to fostering and developing a savings culture among our clients.


ProCredit Bank aims to set new quality standards for its products and services. Furthermore, by offering these services in a transparent and open manner, we are contributing to the public’s growing trust in banks.

For additional information, please contact our PR Specialist, Eliza Frunza. Telephone: 022-836-431, e-mail:

© ProCredit Bank, November 6, 2012. All rights reserved.