ProCredit Bank

ProCredit Bank

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Adresa juridică: bd. Ştefan cel Mare şi Sfânt, nr. 65, oficiul 901, MD-2001, Chişinău, Republica Moldova



ProCredit Bank celebrates International Savings Day

Today, October 31, 2012, ProCredit Bank joins the entire Moldovan banking community to celebrate International Savings Day.
In addition to a joint press conference held with the Moldovan Banks Association, ProCredit Bank is carrying out various activities to raise awareness among our clients and the general public about the importance of saving. Information will be available at the ProCredit stand set up at Chisinau’s main streets.

Within the framework of Savings Month, ProCredit Bank is offering a new card-accessible savings account that enables customers to securely access their money whenever they need it. This new service is accompanied by excellent customer care and transparent conditions offered by ProCredit Bank, which is part of the international ProCredit group.


“Since ProCredit Bank opened in Moldova in December 2007, we have been committed to providing responsible banking services, promoting the development of a savings culture and establishing long-term customer relationships, aims which reflect the bank’s overall mission. Today, we are glad to celebrate the third annual International Savings Day along with the entire banking community. We are confident that with a joint effort, we can effectively communicate the importance of saving and its role in our national economy,” stated Natalia Osadcii, Deputy Chairperson of the Management Board of ProCredit Bank.


As part of its Savings Day activities, ProCredit Bank is teaming up with the Evenda company to hold a seminar about financial literacy, namely how to plan and efficiently manage the family budget, on Sunday, November 4. The purpose of the event is to let people know how and why it is important to save first and buy later, rather than the other way round. The first of its kind in Moldova, the seminar will take place at Gaudeamus Cinema in Chisinau, starting at 9:00. For additional information, please call 022 93-10-96. 

Save today for a safer future tomorrow.
ProCredit Bank is an international bank with 100% foreign capital and with shareholders exclusively from Germany and the Netherlands: ProCredit Holding, Germany (82.89%); KfW, Germany (12.3%); and DOEN Foundation, the Netherlands (4.81%). The bank is part of the international ProCredit group, which operates in 21 countries in Eastern Europe and Latin America.
ProCredit Bank is a stable institution dedicated to the long-lasting development of very small, small and medium-sized enterprises. We aim to play a role in the development of these enterprises by investing the time to truly understand their needs and by providing banking products that are tailored to the particularities of each business.
ProCredit Bank offers a wide range of secure, simple and accessible banking services. We believe that saving is essential for a stable future, which is why we pay special attention to fostering and developing a savings culture among our clients.
ProCredit Bank aims to set new quality standards for its products and services. Furthermore, by offering them in a transparent and open manner, we are contributing to the public’s growing trust in banks.
For additional information, please contact our PR Specialist, Eliza Frunza. Telephone: 022-836-431, e-mail:
© ProCredit Bank, October 31st, 2012. All rights reserved.