ProCredit Bank

ProCredit Bank

0800 000 10 Contact Centru

+373 22 27 07 07 pentru apeluri internaționale

Adresa juridică: bd. Ştefan cel Mare şi Sfânt, nr. 65, oficiul 901, MD-2001, Chişinău, Republica Moldova



ProCredit Bank team cleans up the whole country

Saturday, May 12, 2012 ProCredit Bank joined the community-led initiative „Hai Moldova”. As an environmentally responsible institution, ProCredit Bank has always paid special attention to keeping of our planet clean and usage of natural resources in a responsible manner.
Team spirit has always been the driving force for ProCredit Bank. Employees from all our branches and agencies located in 14 cities, including Chisinau Head Office staff, joined forces to make the country clean. Thus, dozens of bags of bottles, plastic bags, and litter were gathered from parks, alleys, forests – a refuge and source of inspiration for the majority of people.



„Hai Moldova” is but one initiative in a series of events supported by ProCredit Bank. Throughout its activity, ProCredit Bank proved social responsibility. The Bank organized various neighbourhood beautification projects, encompassing socially responsible activities including clean-up of wells, parks and children’s playgrounds.


ProCredit Bank. Together we make our planet cleaner.
ProCredit Bank is an international bank and is 100% foreign owned, with shareholders exclusively from Germany and The Netherlands: ProCredit Holding, Germany (82.89%), KfW, Germany (12.3%) and DOEN Foundation, The Netherlands (4.81%). The bank is member of the international ProCredit group of banks, operating in 21 countries on 2 continents: Eastern Europe, Latin America.
ProCredit Bank is a sound and reliable financial institution, dedicated to the long-term development of very small, small and medium-sized enterprises. We aim to play a role in the development of these enterprises, by taking the time to truly understand their needs, and by providing banking products that are tailored to the particularities of each business.
ProCredit Bank is a secure bank, offering a wide range of simple and accessible banking services. The bank pays special attention to fostering and developing a savings culture, as savings represent the guarantee of a stable future.
ProCredit Bank aims to set new standards in customer service – fair, transparent and open, thus contributing to people’s growing trust in banks.
For more information, please contact our PR Specialist, Eliza Frunza. Telephone: 022-836-431 e-mail:

© ProCredit Bank, May 15th. All rights reserved.