ProCredit Bank

ProCredit Bank

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Adresa juridică: bd. Ştefan cel Mare şi Sfânt, nr. 65, oficiul 901, MD-2001, Chişinău, Republica Moldova



ProCredit Bank joins Earth Hour – the world’s largest environmental action

Earth Hour represents a global volunteer movement encouraging everyone to turn off the lights and home appliances for an hour to show responsible attitude towards global warming and unrestrained use of resources. Thus, on Saturday 26 March 2011 millions of people around the world, including citizens of the Republic of Moldova, will join this action.

As a bank demonstrating environmental consciousness, ProCredit Bank supports Earth Hour and urges our partners, clients and employees to join an interconnected global community switching off the lights and appliances for an hour on Saturday, 26 March 2011, at 20:30.

Earth Hour began in Sidney (Australia) in 2007 organized by World Wildlife Fund (WWF). It perfectly complements environmental standards of lending operations and contributes to raising clients’ awareness about environmental challenges. ProCredit Bank has decided to unite with hundreds of millions of people around the world in a global celebration of their commitment to protect the one thing that unites us all – the planet.

A solution to the world’s environmental challenges is possible if we work on them together – only together our actions add up!

ProCredit Bank. The bank that cares about my family and my business.

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CB “ProCredit Bank” S.A. is member of the ProCredit group of banks operating in 21 countries in Eastern Europe, Latin America. It is an international bank which is wholly foreign-owned; its shareholders are ProCredit Holding AG, Germany (84.1652%), KfW, Germany (9.5628%) and DOEN Foundation, The Netherlands (6.2719%).

ProCredit Bank is a sound and reliable financial institution which aims to build long-term working relationships with its clients, based on mutual trust. CB “ProCredit Bank” S.A. positions itself on the financial market as a “neighbourhood bank”, a socially responsible bank which offers a wide range of simple and accessible banking services and products for people living and working in the neighbourhoods in which it operates.

CB “ProCredit Bank” S.A. aims to set new standards in quality of customer service and ethical business practice by offering financial services at fair terms and conditions, thus contributing to people’s growing trust in banks.

For additional information, please contact the PR Specialist, Eliza Frunza. Telephone: 836-431 e-mail:

© ProCredit Bank, March 25, 2011. All rights reserved.