ProCredit Bank

ProCredit Bank

0800 000 10 Contact Centru

+373 22 27 07 07 pentru apeluri internaționale

Adresa juridică: bd. Ştefan cel Mare şi Sfânt, nr. 65, oficiul 901, MD-2001, Chişinău, Republica Moldova



Grupul internaţional ProCredit anunţă deschiderea unei bănci în Germania

ProCredit banks already operate in 21 Eastern European and Latin American countries. Now the international ProCredit group is opening a bank in Germany.

Initially, ProCredit Bank will offer instant access savings accounts and term deposits for private and business clients in Germany. Christoph Freytag, member of the Management Board of ProCredit Bank AG in Germany is confident about the prospects for its business with private clients, despite intensive competition in the market. “Our business model is unique. More and more people want to know what is being done with their money, and whether it is being used in a worthwhile way. We have convincing answers to those questions.”

The bank will form a bridge between Germany and the ProCredit group’s countries of operation by supporting German small and medium-sized companies in their efforts to develop business relationships with those countries. In developing countries and emerging economies, small and medium enterprises are important drivers of economic progress. “Our group has supported the growth of these companies and family businesses all over the world during the past 15 years by establishing sound and responsible financial institutions. We can open doors to 21 emerging economies. Our direct contacts through our roughly 735 branches to more than 1,000,000 small and medium-sized businesses are a major advantage for companies with business relationships in those countries, or which plan to build them in the future.”

Responsibility, for the ProCredit group, means building long-term client relationships based on trust. Loans are not issued according to standardised ratings, but rather based on face-to-face consultations as well as on a thorough analysis of both the company’s situation and the personal reliability and integrity of its owners.

Another important principle for the ProCredit group is to avoid promoting consumer loans and instead to encourage the development of a savings culture and the spread of general knowledge about financial matters.  The ProCredit group also has a comprehensive exclusion list specifying the kinds of activity that will not be financed. For the business clients of the banks belonging to the ProCredit group, the launch of the bank in Germany will open up interesting opportunities for co-operation. 

ProCredit Bank is an international bank with 100% foreign capital and with shareholders exclusively from Germany and the Netherlands: ProCredit Holding, Germany (84.91%); KfW, Germany (10.85%); and DOEN Foundation, the Netherlands (4.24%). From its foundation in December 2007, ProCredit Bank has a stable development and today is ranked on the eight place in the banking system, according to the volume of private clients deposits portfolio and the volume of loan portfolio. In 2012 banks’ deposit portfolio increased with 130%, reaching 1164 million lei. Within the same period, loan portfolio increased with 41%, reaching 1900 million lei. Bank has an excellent quality of loan portfolio, the PAR < 30 days being 2,4%, which is the best result within the local banking system.  



ProCredit Bank is a stable institution dedicated to the long-lasting development of very small, small and medium-sized enterprises. We aim to play a role in the development of these enterprises by investing the time to truly understand their needs and by providing banking services which are tailored to the specifics of our clients’ businesses.

ProCredit Bank offers a wide range of secure, simple and accessible banking services. We believe that saving is essential for a stable future, which is why we pay special attention to fostering and developing a savings culture among our clients.

ProCredit Bank aims to set new quality standards for its services. Furthermore, by offering these services in a transparent and open manner, we are contributing to the public’s growing trust in banks.

For additional information, please contact the PR Specialist, Eliza Frunza: Telephone: 022-836-431,

© ProCredit Bank, March 25, 2013. All rights reserved.