ProCredit Bank

ProCredit Bank

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+373 22 27 07 07 pentru apeluri internaționale

Adresa juridică: bd. Ştefan cel Mare şi Sfânt, nr. 65, oficiul 901, MD-2001, Chişinău, Republica Moldova



ProCredit Business Forum - Together we find development opportunities

ProCredit Bank has always tended to establish and maintain direct partnerships with existing and potential bank customers. Therefore, the third Business Forum organized by the German bank ProCredit Bank was held on February 5th. The forum was organized under the motto “Together we find development opportunities”. This time the event was held in the town of Balti with the participation of about 160 business owners from the northern region of the country operating in various fields: production, trade and services.




ProCredit Business Forum hosted two round tables which addressed the business issues of current importance, such as “Legal solutions for business protection” and “Alternative technologies in modern agriculture”. Each round table was conducted by one of the bank’s specialists and one well known expert in the field.





The audience was made of motivated and curious business owners. We addressed issues of great current interest. We discussed about customs legislations and fiscal developments in the Republic of Moldova. It was an active audience and I am sure that they will succeed in business”, said one of the experts present at the forum, Cornel Ciubotaru, Legal Solutions.

It was a very useful event. We discussed about issues of relevance today and all the participants showed their great interest through a multitude of questions. I am sure the participants will apply all the solutions found at the forum”, declared the expert Gheorghe Jigău, University Professor, Head of the Applied Pedology Centre.




The forum participants appreciated especially the possibility to find out the practical experiences of farmers from the first source. Three of the bank’s customers shared their experience in using modern agricultural technologies and about the obstacles they were faced with, so other farmers could avoid such mistakes. Their success was proved by good results in increase of efficiency, productivity and decrease of costs.

First of all this forum is useful because participants can share information and experience. An additional advantage is that it is for free, while abroad one has to pay in order to be able to participate in such events. We all know that information said at an appropriate time is a powerful weapon. The exchange of information can help you solve problems and find certain solutions”, said one of the bank’s customers, the business owner Valentin Ivanov, Director of Ivalams Agro SRL.



From my point of view the ProCredit Business Forum is very useful. First of all because not only business owners but also the bank participates in such events, and the bank is interested in co-operation with business owners as partners”, said the bank’s customer Gîrlea Andrei, the founder of the farm Girlea Andrei.

The customers are satisfied with the services provided by the German bank „ProCreditBank”. Most of them because loyal customers. “I use the services of this bank for many years. I already received three loans. ProCredit Bank is the house bank, the bank that works for us”, shared the business owner Vasile Cocieru, loyal customer of “ProCreditBank”.




The discussions were followed by business networking activities and the exchange of contact information, which was appreciated by participants. ProCreditBank organises similar events on a regular basis with the purpose to create communication opportunities for the local business owners.






The topics of the forum were selected by the customers on the bank’s web page. Depending on selected topics the bank invites experts in the field and we are sure that in such a way the business owners will find an answer to all their questions. Besides the forum serves as a place where participants can exchange contacts and establish new partnerships. Today is very important to share innovative ideas and to support business owners in finding new development opportunities. Thus, the bank brings its direct contribution to the development of whole economy”, declared Evghenia Gașikulina, Deputy Chairperson of the Management Board ofProCreditBank”. “Of course, we would like to know that all participants at today’s forum are satisfied with the forum organization. As a bank we are always open to improvement and development, based on suggestions received from our customers.”