ProCredit Bank

ProCredit Bank

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Adresa juridică: bd. Ştefan cel Mare şi Sfânt, nr. 65, oficiul 901, MD-2001, Chişinău, Republica Moldova



ProCredit Bank begins recruiting for its 11th Young Bankers Programme

ProCredit Bank has started the search for participants for its 11th Young Bankers Programme, which will begin in the first half of March 2013. We are looking for professionals who have experience in various fields as well as recent university graduates with no work experience yet, who are prepared to commit themselves to working in a responsible bank.

The six-month Young Bankers Programme is an intensive set of training courses covering the key concepts of banking processes and services, basic knowledge of finance and economics, courses in mathematics and accounting, field training in bank branches, key aspects of globalisation and environmental management, etc. During the course, the participants will become acquainted with ProCredit's business philosophy, ethical values and company history. Upon successful completion of the programme, participants may be offered an employment contract with ProCredit Bank and will be able to start working at one of the bank’s branches or at head office. The Young Bankers Programme is the main point of entry to ProCredit Bank.

“We are looking for people who are flexible, willing to learn and to adapt to new environments. We appreciate people who take responsibility and make decisions based on logic, reason and on common sense, all the while keeping their feet firmly planted on the ground, with a positive and pro-active attitude towards their work. If you are an honest and reliable person, motivated and enthusiastic about contributing to the bank’s objectives, then we would welcome your application for a place on the Young Bankers Programme” says Oxana Lavuschina, Head of Human Resources Department.

The Young Bankers Programme takes place at ProCredit Bank’s Training Centre in Chisinau. The method of training is dynamic and interactive, characterised by open discussions, followed by practical exercises, working groups and projects. The programme also involves visits to different cities around the country, so that everything that has been learned can be applied in a real working environment.


To be able to take part in the Young Bankers Programme, you have to successfully pass all seven stages of the selection process:

  1. Online registration of your CV via the bank’s website
  2. Drafting a motivation letter, which is to be sent together with the CV
  3. Telephone conversation
  4. Mathematics and logic test
  5. Group discussion
  6. Individual interview
  7. Two-week focus session

Upon successful completion of all selection stages, candidates are invited to participate in the Young Bankers Programme.

The Young Bankers Programme, which first started in October 2010, has already led around 100 professionals to join ProCredit Bank. In June 2013 another group of specialists will graduate – the 10th group of the programme, which started in December 2012.

If you feel inspired to accept this challenge and want eventually to become part of an international, ethical bank, send us your CV and motivation letter and apply to take part in the selection process. If you have any questions about the programme, please visit our website: or contact us at or by phone on 022-83-64-72, 022-83-64-49 or 068-355-811.

© ProCredit Bank, 12 February 2013. All rights reserved.