ProCredit Bank

ProCredit Bank

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Legal address: bd. Ștefan cel Mare și Sfânt, nr. 65, office 901, MD-2001, Chișinău, Republic of Moldova



Where does your money go?

Do you know where your money goes? 

Sometimes, it’s easy to overlook all of the tiny little “leaks” in your budget. People often don’t realise how much they’re spending. It’s easy to think that you’re not buying anything luxurious. You’re not dining at extravagant restaurants. You’re not travelling abroad. You don’t drive an expensive car. Where is all of your money going?

To find out the answer you have to analyse your everyday habits. Below you will find out what kind of habits you have.

1. When you go shopping:
a) I always have a prepared in advance list of purchases and stick to it
b)Sometimes I prepare the list, but I don’t find it necessary always to follow it
c)I don’t like to restrict myself while shopping, because I enjoy to make spontaneous decisions

2. Do you have financial goals in life?
a) All my goals are written down, amounts and dead-lines are clearly defined (car, apartment, studies, etc.)
b) I know what I would like to realise in current year
c) It’s difficult to plan something big
3. Do you know how much you spend on the most significant expenses in your budget?
a) I know exactly all the categories in my spending
b) I know approximately
c) I don’t have any idea
4. Do you know how much you can save monthly?
a) Yes, I have a savings account and I regularly deposit money on it
b) I know approximately the amount and whenever I have possibility, I save
c) No, I earn too little to save regularly
Thank you for your time!
Here you can see the answers.