ProCredit Bank

ProCredit Bank

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Legal address: bd. Ștefan cel Mare și Sfânt, nr. 65, office 901, MD-2001, Chișinău, Republic of Moldova



Livada Moldovei Project



Livada Moldovei is a project financed by the European Investment Bank (EIB) aimed at providing horticultural sector and other related industries with easy access to affordable investment funds. The project is designed to create favourable conditions for the restructuring of the value chain of horticultural sector in the Republic of Moldova. Investments shall be made in the technological advancement and mechanisation of primary production processes in horticultural sector, the installation of irrigation and hail protection systems, the modernisation of processing methods, and the diversification of markets for the sale of Moldovan fruit. Preferential loans will be available to entrepreneurs engaged in industries connected to horticultural sector. The total value of investments will amount to EUR 120 million.





 Activities eligible for financing:
• Cultivation of horticultural products including:
  - Restructuring and renovation of non-productive plantations, development of new plantations
  - Purchase of agricultural equipment and the mechanisation of handling and      harvesting processes
  - Installation of drip/frost protection and hail protection systems
• Processing of horticultural products, including:
  - Purchase of machinery and equipment for processing, including laboratories
  - Construction/renovation of production halls
• Modernisation of technological production processes for wrapping, picking, size   grading and of tools necessary for establishing new plantations, etc.


Maximum amount


• Investments in horticulture – max. EUR 5,000,000
• Investments in planting/felling of orchards, table grape plantations, and       nurseries. – max. EUR 1,000,000
• Establishment of new horticultural plantations – max. EUR 10,000 per hectare
• Felling of inadequate plantations – max. EUR 1,000 per hectare
• Establishment of intensive horticultural plantations – max. EUR 30,000 per hectare
Term 24 months – 120 months.
Contribution The amount of financing provided by the EIB may not exceed 50% of the total project value - the remaining amount (50% of the project value) may come from:
• Future investments made with own funds
• Investments from loans offered by financial institutions
• State budget investments
• Investments from grants provided by different donors
To see the conditions for loans you can acces Information Disclosure



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