ProCredit Bank

ProCredit Bank

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Legal address: bd. Ștefan cel Mare și Sfânt, nr. 65, office 901, MD-2001, Chișinău, Republic of Moldova



Competitiveness Improvement Project

Competitiveness Improvement Project – is a project supported by World Bank, which is aimed at financing of enterprises engaged in agriculture, processing of agricultural products, manufacturing and other economic activities, which export their products or services.
Within the project there are PAC I and PAC II programme.
Details of PAC I:
- Support of enterprises engaged in exports from various sectors of national economy
- Development of processing, storage, packaging, and other activities related to export
- Purchase of processing /means of transport / packaging equipment
- Renovation of agricultural and non-agricultural equipments and facilities, spare parts
- Construction of refrigerators for fruit and vegetables storage, re-engineering and implementation of new technologies in agriculture (irrigation systems, etc.) and any other non-agricultural activities
- Renewing perennial plantations
- Reconstruction, renovation of production spaces and agricultural activities
- Working capital necessary for export activities
EUR 800,000 – investment projects
EUR 500,000 – working capital
Period  Up to 8 years – investment projects


Details of PAC II:

In addition to PAC I programme, through PAC II can be funded enterprises engaged in export activities which are related to agriculture, processing / manufacturing agricultural products or other economic activity that provides goods or services which directly or indirectly are not related to consulting generating export revenues (indirect exporters will be involved in goods and services delivery), as well as examples of investments that contribute to the export of agricultural production (growing, processing, sorting, packing, storage, transportation, etc).
The program allows retroactive expenses and refinancing loans from other banks incurred later than May 7, 2014.
EUR 800,000 – investment projects
EUR 500,000 – working capital
Period  Up to 8 years – investment projects

Projects will be funded 100% by the Credit Line Directorate / World Bank. 


To see the conditions for loans you can acces Information Disclosure



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