ProCredit Bank

ProCredit Bank

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Legal address: bd. Ștefan cel Mare și Sfânt, nr. 65, office 901, MD-2001, Chișinău, Republic of Moldova



International Fund for Agricultural Development

International Fund for Agricultural Development – is an international financing organisation, supporting agricultural development in different countries. Potential beneficiaries are small agricultural enterprises with any form of legal structure and located in any place of the Republic of Moldova, except Chisinau and Balti.
The bank extends loans using refinancing funds of the Credit Line Directorate of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Moldova under the following IFAD financing programmes:
1. Rural financing and small businesses development programme (IFAD 1)
- Orchard and vineyard planting 
- Production, processing, packaging of agricultural goods 
- Collection and storage of agricultural goods (refrigeration equipment)
- Production of seeds and seedlings, growing of vegetables in greenhouses
- Purchase of farm equipment / irrigation systems 
- Raising of livestock
- Technical services for farmers (tillage, sowing, etc.)
- Repair and maintenance shops for farm equipment etc.
- Crop storage facilities 
- Other activities aimed at agriculture and rural development
Amount Up to USD 500,000 or MDL/EUR equivalent 
- 5 years15 years for investments aimed at long-term projectse
Customer’s contribution

10% of invested amount 


2. Agricultural revival programme (IFAD 2)
- Orchard and vineyard planting 
- Production, processing, packaging of agricultural goods 
- Collection and storage of agricultural goods (refrigeration equipment)
- Production of seeds and seedlings, growing of vegetables in
- Purchase of farm equipment / irrigation systems 
- Raising of livestock
- Technical services for farmers (tillage, sowing, etc.)
- Repair and maintenance shops for farm equipment etc.
- Crop storage facilities 
- Other activities aimed at agriculture and rural development
Amount Up to USD 250,000 or MDL/EUR equivalent
- Up to 7 years
- Up to 15 years for investments aimed at long-term projects
Customer’s contribution

Min. 20% of invested amount


3. Rural business development programme (IFAD 3)
- Orchard and vineyard planting 
- Production, processing, packaging of agricultural goods 
- Collection and storage of agricultural goods (refrigeration equipment)
- Production of seeds and seedlings, growing of vegetables in
- Purchase of farm equipment / irrigation systems 
- Raising of livestock
- Technical services for farmers (tillage, sowing, etc.)
- Repair and maintenance shops for farm equipment etc.
- Crop storage facilities 
- Other activities aimed at agriculture and rural development
Amount Up to USD 150,000 or MDL/EUR equivalent 
Up to 15 years – investment projects
Customer’s contribution
Min.20% of invested amount
4. Rural Financial Services and Marketing Programme (IFAD 4)
- Investments in horticulture:
- Orchard and vineyard planting/maintenance
- Production of seedlings and transplants
- Construction/restoration of greenhouses/heating systems 
- Development/restoration of irrigation systems for horticultural
- Storage and packaging of horticultural goods at production site 
- Technical services aimed at horticultural development 
- Processing of horticultural goods
- Packaging and shipment of horticultural goods 
- Construction/restoration of storage facilities for horticultural goods 
- Other activities aimed at agriculture and rural development
Amount Up to USD 250,000 or MDL/EUR equivalent
Up to 5 years 
Customer’s contribution

Min. 20% of invested amount

5. Rural Financial Services and Agribusiness Development Project (IFAD 5)
- Producing, harvesting, storing of: fruit and berry crops, vegetables,
aromatic and medicinal herbs, table grapes; tree nurseries, seeds and
seedlings, transplants
- Manufacturing of products of animal origin, including purchase of
pedigree livestock
- Farm equipment, irrigation systems, greenhouses 
- Technical services for farmers
- Construction/restoration of storage facilitiesand refrigeration equipment intended for agricultural goods   
- Other activities aimed at agriculture and rural development
Amount Up to USD 250,000  or MDL or EUR equivalent
Up to 8 years
Customer’s contribution 

Min. 20% of invested amount


To see the conditions for loans you can acces Information Disclosure



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