ProCredit Bank

ProCredit Bank

0800 000 10 Contact Centre

+373 22 27 07 07 for international calls

Legal address: bd. Ștefan cel Mare și Sfânt, nr. 65, office 901, MD-2001, Chișinău, Republic of Moldova



ProCredit Bank newsletter

ProCredit Bank steps into autumn with a new office in Balti town

ProCredit Bank informs its customers and all people living in Balti town about changing the location of Agency no.1 of Balti Branch to a new, comfortable and well-equipped office located on one of the main streets of Balti town: 12 F. Dostoievski St., thus being easy accessible and easy to find.

ProCredit Bank оказывает поддержку инвестициям в энергосберегающие технологии

Надежная инвестиция – это инвестиция, сделанная с ответственностью и ориентированная на результат.

ProCredit Bank supports investments in energy efficiency

A safe investment is characterized by responsibility and efficiency. ProCredit Bank and European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) have signed an agreement on financing of energy efficiency projects from MoSEFF 2 credit line funds. It will allow small and medium businesses to invest in energy efficiency and / or renewable sources of energy, and thus ensure their continuous development and profitability. 

ProCredit Bank sprijină investiţiile în eficienţă energetică

O investiţie sigură este o investiţie făcută cu multă eficienţă şi responsabilitate.

ProCredit Bank продолжает оказывать поддержку программам по финансовому образованию детей

Финансовое образование детей с малых лет формирует у них понимание роли финансовых учреждений в развитии национальной экономики и благосостояния населения, что служит залогом стабильного будущего для всего общества.

ProCredit Bank continues to support financial literacy projects for children

Developing financial literacy from childhood contributes to the creation of a stable future in a society which understands the role of financial institutions in the development of the national economy and the welfare of the population. 

ProCredit Bank continuă să susţină proiecte de educaţie financiară a copiilor

Educaţia financiară a copiilor din fragedă copilărie reprezintă garanţia unui viitor stabil şi a unei societăţi care înţelege rolul instituţiilor financiare în dezvoltarea economiei naţionale şi a bunăstării populaţiei.
