ProCredit Bank

ProCredit Bank

0800 000 10 Contact Centre

+373 22 27 07 07 for international calls

Legal address: bd. Ștefan cel Mare și Sfânt, nr. 65, office 901, MD-2001, Chișinău, Republic of Moldova



ProCredit Bank is a development-oriented bank who supports the development of the main sector in the economy of the country, which is agriculture.

To encourage financial investments in agriculture, the bank has developed partnerships with the main important local providers for agriculture equipment, who are leaders on the market. These companies are high-professionals, with good experience and know-how in their field, providing qualitative services at high-standards and energy efficiency. 

Bank signed partnership agreements with each partner, in order to facilitate the access for our clients on good conditions and transparent prices on the equipment they need.

The below mentioned partners had been carefully assessed and selected by ProCredit Bank according to our best knowledge. This does not mean that we will be liable or responsible if one of these companies should not operate to your full satisfaction. Nevertheless please report to us any wrong behavior or should you notice that the basis of our cooperation with these businesses has not been fulfilled.