ProCredit Банк

ProCredit Банк

0800 000 10 Контакт-центр

+373 22 27 07 07 для международных звонков



Changes in Batch transfers


Dear customers,


We would like to inform you that starting with 6th March 2023 ProBanking system will be updated to a new version, which will have a new design and improved functionalities. Please note that CSV file that is used for Batch transfers will be changed.


Thus, it will be obligatory to write (R) in case the beneficiary is resident, and (N) if the beneficiary is non-resident. These symbols must be written before the beneficiary name, without any space or semicolon (;) between them.


Without these symbols CSV file will not be accepted by the Bank. 




Please note that both Batch files (1C and CSV) must have accounts only in IBAN format, including Ordering account.


Otherwise, the files will not be accepted by the Bank. 


In case of questions, please contact us on 08 00000 10 for national calls or +373 22 27 07 07 for international calls.


ProCredit Bank Team