ProCredit Банк

ProCredit Банк

0800 000 10 Контакт-центр

+373 22 27 07 07 для международных звонков



Working schedule for January 2, 2023

Dear Clients,


Please be informed on the working schedule for January 2, 2023.


Schedule of receiving payment orders through ProBanking:


Payments in National Currency

Not possible

Budgetary Payments

Not possible

Payments in Foreign Currency

Standard schedule

Currency exchange (for Legal Entities)

9:00 – 17:30


In other days, the Bank will have standard working hours.


For additional information, please call 0800 000 10 for national calls and +373 (22) 27 07 07 for international calls.


We bring you sincere congratulations and wish you happy holidays!


The ProCredit Bank team