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ProCredit Bank’s Green Saturday supports the Million Trees initiative

ProCredit Bank made the first step towards transforming an unauthorised landfill on an eroded hill in the village of Mardareuca in the Boscana commune into a forest with various types of trees. This development is of great importance to the village inhabitants.


During the event, 100 ProCredit Bank employees and their children planted approximately 2,000 kinds of trees, including acacia, ash, elm, maple and walnut, as well as various shrubs. The species planted were chosen in conjunction with forestry experts, after an analysis of the area and soil.


Subsequently, the trees will be monitored for a period of three years until they reach maturity. The forested area will be enclosed by a temporary fence and the seedlings will be watered during the summer, the grass will be cut regularly, and the trees that do not survive will be replaced, in order to ensure the success of the project.


The forested land is monitored by the Criuleni Environmental Protection Inspectorate, the mayor of the village of Boscana, and the Million Trees Moldova/ Hai Moldova team.


The planting of the forest brings multiple benefits to the village and its citizens, but also to the environment. With these measures, we are creating a recreational area for local residents, in addition to stopping erosion, preventing landslides, and developing local biodiversity.


“By planting these trees, we at ProCredit Bank, as well as our children and project partners, aim to promote this practice for the benefit of the local community and the environment. It is important to understand our responsibility for the gift of nature and to actively protect and develop the environment. It’s only human to want a more sustainable and beautiful future for the next generation − an environment that will be as green as the one we received from our grandparents. These actions give us positive energy, because we are doing something good for the community, which is something that we care about” said Vladimir Domentii, Deputy Chairperson of the Management Board of ProCredit Bank.


“We are all aware of the role of forests in nature and in our lives. However, only now is their importance being recognised, at a time when the number of forests is decreasing considerably, which leads to the disappearance of flora and fauna. Land is being degraded, rivers and lakes are drying up. We believe that each of us can help to change the situation and therefore, we encourage everyone to join this ecological initiative to rehabilitate the ecosystem by participating in various afforestation events or any other environmental events. We are sure that together we will succeed in achieving better results” said Oleg Uzun, Specialist in the Environmental Management team at ProCredit Bank.


"I cannot express how happy and grateful we are for this gift to our community. This forest is a treasure to the Boscana commune. What we have achieved with you is very important for our children. We will take care of all the trees we have planted. Thank you!" said Svetlana Racul, Mayor of the Boscana commune.




ProCredit Bank’s involvement in both financial and people related activities is a model and motivation for the development of the Million Trees Moldova project. It pleases us that there are so many good people in our country who take concrete action and who took part in this project.


Let there be forest!


Kind regards, 

ProCredit Bank team