ProCredit Банк

ProCredit Банк

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Web page now available in new solution

ProCredit Bank launches a new version of its web site, which consists of the following sections: ABOUT THE BANK, FOR YOU AND YOUR FAMILY, FOR YOUR BUSINESS, CONTACT US, CAREER, NEWS and TENDERS. The web page is provided in three languages: Romanian, Russian and English and can be accessed from anywhere in the world.

Our new web site is designed to serve as an efficient means of communication, helping to build a sound dialogue between ProCredit Bank and its clientele, providing transparent informational support for the general public. A distinctive feature of the site lies in comprehensive and exhaustive description of all products and services rendered by ProCredit Bank, of price list, tenders as well as of information about the shareholders of the ProCredit group, news and campaigns etc. Web page permits its guests to communicate with the bank directly by means of subscribing to our newsletter or asking a question in respective sections. Credit calculator allows you to count and check the correctness of figures. 
Versus other means of communication, the site has significant advantages – it is mobile, and information concerning ProCredit Bank activities is always up to date. Thus the web page serves as a handy and transparent tool to provide information to clients, partners, authorities, media and general public. From today onwards ProCredit Bank invites to visit its web site
ProCredit Bank. The bank for you, the bank for everyone.
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CB “ProCredit Bank” S.A. is member of the ProCredit group of banks operating in 21 countries in Eastern Europe and Latin America. It is an international bank which is wholly foreign-owned; its shareholders are ProCredit Holding AG, Germany (81.9244%), KfW, Germany (11.9883%) and DOEN Foundation, The Netherlands (6.0873%).
ProCredit Bank is a sound and reliable financial institution which aims to build long-term working relationships with its clients, based on mutual trust. CB “ProCredit Bank” S.A. positions itself on the financial market as a “neighbourhood bank”, a socially responsible bank which offers a wide range of simple and accessible banking services and products for people living and working in the neighbourhoods in which it operates.
CB “ProCredit Bank” S.A. aims to set new standards in quality of customer service and ethical business practice by offering financial services at fair terms and conditions, thus contributing to people’s growing trust in banks.
For additional information, please contact the PR Specialist, Eliza Frunză. Telephone: 836-431 e-mail:
© ProCredit Bank, October 04th 2010. All rights reserved.