ProCredit Банк

ProCredit Банк

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ProCredit Bank launches a new loan product for private individuals

You want to purchase new home appliances, go on vacation or accomplish goals planned long ago, but you don’t have enough money? ProCredit Bank provides the perfect solution: ProPractic, a loan for personal needs.

In order to take advantage of this product you should be employed not less than 3 months and have a ProCredit Bank card to which your salary was transferred at least once. Maximum amount of loan equals to net amount of your salary for the last 3 months. This personal needs credit is disbursed in national currency for a period of 12 months.

„This is the first loan ProCredit Bank offers private individuals for personal needs. There is another loan extended to private individuals for improvement of living conditions and renewal/repairs of dwelling. We need to be sure that our clients are offered products and services under the most advantageous terms, and that they are treated responsibly, transparently and professionally. For this purpose ProCredit Bank focuses specifically on a detailed analysis of client’s possibility to repay the loan, thus preventing any risk of over-indebtedness”, stated Natalia Osadcii, Executive Director ProCredit Bank.

ProCredit Bank lending activity is based on responsibility and transparence. Due to this fact a careful assessment of client’s capacity to repay the loan and at the same time keep a normal way of life, represents a crucial factor for taking the decision regarding loan disbursement.


ProCredit Bank. The bank for you, the bank for everyone.

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CB “ProCredit Bank” S.A. is member of the ProCredit group of banks operating in 21 countries in Eastern Europe and Latin America. It is an international bank which is wholly foreign-owned; its shareholders are ProCredit Holding AG, Germany (81.9244%), KfW, Germany (11.9883%) and DOEN Foundation, The Netherlands (6.0873%).

ProCredit Bank is a sound and reliable financial institution which aims to build long-term working relationships with its clients, based on mutual trust. C.B. “ProCredit Bank” S.A. positions itself on the financial market as a “neighbourhood bank”, a socially responsible bank which offers a wide range of simple and accessible banking services and products for people living and working in the neighbourhoods in which it operates.

CB “ProCredit Bank” S.A. aims to set new standards in quality of customer service and ethical business practice by offering financial services at fair terms and conditions, thus contributing to people’s growing trust in banks.

For additional information, please contact the PR Specialist, Eliza Frunză. Telephone: 836-431 e-mail:


© ProCredit Bank, November 24th 2010. All rights reserved.