ProCredit Банк

ProCredit Банк

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Autumn, ProCredit Bank and the agricultural entrepreneurs meet at Moldagrotech exhibition

In the period of October 19 – 22, 2011, ProCredit Bank, jointly with its agricultural partners, farmers and entrepreneurs participate at the XXIst edition of the largest exhibition in the country, from the agroindustrial sector - „Moldagrotech", traditionally organized every year within „Moldexpo”  International Exhibition Centre.


„Agriculture represents one of the most significant sectors of the national economy. Though we are a small country, we have an extraordinarily valuable potential, which needs continuous  support and assistance, in order to benefit from stable long-term development. Since it started activating in the Republic of Moldova, ProCredit Bank is contributing to the capitalization of the agricultural sector potential, offering financial accessible and advantageous support, individually, to each farmer, entrepreneur or agricultural producer", said Natalia Osadcii, Deputy Chairperson of the Management Board, ProCredit Bank.  


ProCredit Bank is inviting all the agricultural entrepreneurs, its partners, as well as the exhibition participants to visit the stand of the bank to get acquainted with the large and accessible variety of banking products and services, designed individually for every agricultural entrepreneur.

We will be very glad to see you by the stand of ProCredit Bank!



ProCredit Bank. The bank which cares about my business.


* * * * *
ProCredit Bank is an international bank and is 100% foreign owned, with shareholders exclusively from Germany and The Netherlands: ProCredit Holding, Germany (82.89%), KfW, Germany (12.3%) and DOEN Foundation, The Netherlands (4.81%). The bank is member of the international ProCredit group of banks, operating in 21 countries on 2 continents: Eastern Europe and Latin America.



ProCredit Bank is a sound and reliable financial institution, dedicated to the long-term development of very small, small and medium-sized enterprises. We aim to play a role in the development of these enterprises, by taking the time to truly understand their needs, and by providing banking products that are tailored to the particularities of each business.
ProCredit Bank is a secure bank, offering a wide range of simple and accessible banking services. The bank pays special attention to fostering and developing a savings culture, as savings represent the guarantee of a stable future.
ProCredit Bank aims to set new standards in customer service – fair, transparent and open, thus contributing to people’s growing trust in banks.


For more information, please contact our PR Specialist, Eliza Frunza. Telephone: 022-836-431 e-mail:


                                                                                    © ProCredit Bank, October 20th. All rights reserved.