ProCredit Банк

ProCredit Банк

0800 000 10 Контакт-центр

+373 22 27 07 07 для международных звонков



ProCredit Bank participates at the Forum of Small and Medium Enterprises

Between May 26 – 29, 2010, ProCredit Bank participates at the tenth edition of the Forum of Small and Medium Enterprises, held in the International Exhibition Centre „Moldexpo”. Therefore, ProCredit Bank invites all entrepreneurs, partners and the ordinary people to visit the bank’s stand for getting acquainted with the wide range of banking products and services offered by ProCredit Bank.

ProCredit Bank is the “house bank” for the small and medium sized enterprises, offering to all entrepreneurs a wide range of banking products and service, because exactly these businesses have an essential contribution to the development of the local economy.

For ProCredit Bank participation at the Forum of Small and Medium Enterprises has become a nice tradition, as the bank has been participating at this exhibition since its first editions, because serving small business directly contributes to the consolidation of the development level of the country. The Forum of Small and Medium Enterprises is organised each year under the patronage of the Government of the Republic of Moldova, and presents the general picture of the entrepreneurial realm of the country. All the sectors of the local economy will be presented at the Forum: food-producing, textile industry, fur and leather items, construction industry and furniture production, technologies, equipment, consulting and financial services.

ProCredit Bank. The bank for you, the bank for everyone.