ProCredit Банк

ProCredit Банк

0800 000 10 Контакт-центр

+373 22 27 07 07 для международных звонков



ProCredit Bank invites to a press conference

ProCredit Bank invites mass-media representatives on Thursday, May 6, 2010, to a press conference dedicated to the campaign “What you should know about a bank, which will take place at 11.00 o’clock in the Begonia Hall of Leogrand Hotel, entrance from 77, Mitropolit Varlaam Street.

The press conference will be conducted by Dr. Ilinca Rosetti, General Manager of ProCredit Bank and Dorin Dragutanu, NBM Governor.

The press conference will be followed by a coffee break for discussions.

We would like to remind that ProCredit Bank S.A. is part of the international group ProCredit and was the first bank opened in the Republic of Moldova within the last 10 years. In its activity, ProCredit Bank pays special attention to granting loans to small and medium-sized enterprises, because we are sure that this business sector makes an essential contribution to the development of the country’s economy.

ProCredit – for 10 years your reliable financial partner