ProCredit Bank newsletter

Changes in Terms and Conditions for Private Individuals

Dear customers,


Изменения в тарифах для физических лиц

Уважаемые клиенты,


Modificarea Tarifelor și Comisioanelor pentru Persoanele Fizice

Stimați clienți,


Changes in Terms and Conditions for Private Individuals

Dear customers,


this is to inform you that starting with December 01, 2023, will be changed Terms and Conditions for Private Individuals, which can be found here.


Изменения в тарифах для физических лиц

Уважаемые клиенты,


Modificarea Tarifelor și Comisioanelor pentru Persoanele Fizice

Stimați clienți,


Changes in General Terms and Conditions for Business Clients

Dear Customers,


we would like to inform you that starting with December 05, 2023 General Terms and Conditions for Clients will be changed.


Изменения в Общих условиях по обслуживанию для Юридических лиц

Уважаемые клиенты,


сообщаем Вам что с 05.12.2023 года вступают в силу:


Modificări în Condiții generale prestare servicii Clienți Business

Stimați clienți,


Vă informăm că din 05.12.2023 vor intra în vigoare:


Changes in General Terms and Conditions for Private Individuals

Dear Customers,


we would like to inform you that starting with January 22, 2024 General Terms and Conditions for Clients will be changed.

