ProCredit Bank newsletter

ProCredit Bank vine cu soluţii noi pentru dezvoltarea afacerilor mici

În condiţiile în care afacerile mici sunt cele care au nevoie de resurse băneşti pentru completarea mijloacelor circulante, dar şi pentru a înregistra o creştere stabilă şi de perspectivă, ProCredit Bank oferă un produs nou de creditare destinat întreprinderilor mici, antrenate în sfera comerţului şi agriculturii. Comparativ cu alte produse şi servicii bancare, noul produs oferă antreprenorilor mici posibilitatea de a achita dobânda şi capitalul de credit la sfârşitul perioadei, şi nu în fiecare lună.

ProCredit Bank launches a new product loan ProRenovare

Starting with September 06, 2010 ProCredit Bank launches a new product: ProRenovation loan, which is aimed to contribute responsibly to improvement of living conditions of the population and to meet expectations of our clients.

ProCredit Bank запускает новый продукт кредит ProRenovare

06 сентября 2010 года ProCredit Bank запускает новый продукт - кредит ProRenovare, который должен способствовать улучшению жилищных условий населения Молдовы и соответствовать потребностям клиентов.

ProCredit Bank lansează un produs nou creditul ProRenovare

ProCredit Bank lansează începând cu 06 septembrie 2010 un produs nou: creditul ProRenovare, care vine să contribuie în mod responsabil la îmbunătăţirea condiţiilor de trai ale populaţiei şi să corespundă cu necesităţile acesteia.

ProCredit Bank announces modification of work schedule for several representative offices

In order to respond to all requests of our clients in time, starting with July 1, 2010, ProCredit Bank representative offices in Falesti, Floresti, Drochia, Soroca, Edinet, Ocnita, Ungheni, Comrat, Cahul, Hanceşti şi Cauşeni have a new work schedule - from 8.00 till 17.00 o’clock. 

Representative offices in Chisinau, Balti and Orhei continue to operate according to the usual scheme - from 9.00 till 18.00 o’clock.

ProCredit Bank anunţă despre schimbarea orarului de lucru în unele reprezentanţe

Pentru a răspunde în timp util şi convenabil tuturor solicitărilor venite din partea clienţilor începând de astăzi, 1 iulie 2010, reprezentanţele ProCredit Bank din: Făleşti, Floreşti, Drochia, Soroca, Edineţ, Ocniţa, Ungheni, Comrat, Cahul, Hânceşti şi Căuşeni vor începe ziua de muncă de la ora 8.00 şi vor lucra până la ora 17.00.

ProCredit Bank received a credit line from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)

ProCredit Bank received $10 million credit line for a maturity of 5 years from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development.

ProCredit Bank will use the received funds for financing the small and medium sized enterprises. Also, the credit line will diversify the existence funding base of ProCredit Bank, which offers a wide range of banking services and products affordable for small and medium entrepreneurs. The responsible attitude to loan risks made ProCredit Bank accept half of the credit line in lei and half in US dollars.

ProCredit Bank participates at the Forum of Small and Medium Enterprises

Between May 26 – 29, 2010, ProCredit Bank participates at the tenth edition of the Forum of Small and Medium Enterprises, held in the International Exhibition Centre „Moldexpo”. Therefore, ProCredit Bank invites all entrepreneurs, partners and the ordinary people to visit the bank’s stand for getting acquainted with the wide range of banking products and services offered by ProCredit Bank.

ProCredit Bank invites to a press conference

ProCredit Bank invites mass-media representatives on Thursday, May 6, 2010, to a press conference dedicated to the campaign “What you should know about a bank, which will take place at 11.00 o’clock in the Begonia Hall of Leogrand Hotel, entrance from 77, Mitropolit Varlaam Street.

The press conference will be conducted by Dr. Ilinca Rosetti, General Manager of ProCredit Bank and Dorin Dragutanu, NBM Governor.

The press conference will be followed by a coffee break for discussions.

ProCredit Bank opens a new Representative Office in Causeni

CB ProCredit Bank opened a representative office in Causeni. The office is located at 23m, M. Eminescu Street. Starting today, all clients will be able to benefit from a large range of products and banking services offered by CB ProCredit Bank, such as: loans for business development, term deposit accounts, saving accounts, current accounts, money transfers, exchange, etc. 

Currently CB ProCredit Bank has 25 representative offices operating throughout the country, including

10 in Chisinau:
