Any organization or individual can be a victim of cybercriminals. They are becoming increasingly agile in their attempts to trick people into clicking on suspicious links, downloading email attachments or "logging in" to social networks that are often used as gateways to steal sensitive information.

To ensure that your online banking information is well protected, there are a number of steps you can take to protect yourself from common types of cyber attacks.





Preventing identity theft is crucial. For this reason, strong password combinations are recommended.


Here are some suggestions for creating more secure and strong passwords:



  • Choose passwords that cannot be easily guessed. Avoid using last names, birthdays or anniversaries, common nicknames, and avoid using the same password for multiple websites.
  • Do not write down or post user IDs, passwords or other sensitive information where it can be easily accessed by others.
  • Change your passwords frequently and do not share your user IDs or passwords with anyone else, even family members.




  • Use antivirus and anti-malware software and keep it updated.
  • Make sure your device's operating system and software are updated regularly.
  • Scan any software downloaded from the Internet for viruses before installation.
  • Think carefully before removing any security controls from your mobile device, which could weaken your device's security and expose you to additional risks.




 A social engineering attack is an attempt to trick someone into revealing sensitive information (e.g. a password) or performing certain actions, such as committing fraud by associating with the person to gain confidence and trust, downloading and executing files which appear to be benign but are actually malicious. Once the information has been stolen, it can be used to commit fraud, attack systems or networks.


enlightenedPLEASE NOTE: If you have any doubts about the authenticity or validity of an email, text or phone call that appears to be from ProCredit Bank and/or if you believe you have disclosed confidential information, please report it to us immediately by calling the following phone number 0800 000 10 for national calls or +373 22 27 07 07 for international calls or by mail at .


Criminals use a variety of social engineering attacks to steal information. For more information please click here.






Locking the mobile device


  • Protect your phone or tablet just like you would protect your computer.
  • Protect your digital wallet by using a password, fingerprint or facial recognition to unlock your phone screen.



Monitor your account activity


Check your account activity frequently to detect fraud early. We recommend checking your e-banking account weekly. Report any suspicious or fraudulent activity to ProCredit Bank immediately.



Bank smart when you're on the go


Avoid using mobile banking or sending sensitive emails or texts over public or unsecured Wi-Fi networks.

Be especially careful if you use any device that is not your personal device and over which you do not have control. ProCredit Bank recommends that you avoid using such devices as you never know if these devices have installed any malicious monitoring programs.



Clean your cache regularly


It is your best practice to delete all information stored on your computer after an online banking session. Every time you access the Internet, your browser automatically saves a copy of the web pages you have visited or the passwords you have provided to websites. Please consult your browser's documentation regarding memory/disk caching.



Make sure you know who you are dealing with


Access the ProBanking service by entering the Internet address of the Bank in your browser ( After accessing using this method, the web page can be bookmarked for easy access. Do not access the site through a link sent by email.



Keep your passwords and PINs safe


Be wary of unsolicited emails or phone calls asking you to disclose confidential details. Keep this information confidential. Be careful when providing any personal information to people you do not know. The bank and the police will not ask you to provide them with PIN or password information.


Keep your money safe!


Do not be fooled by seemingly sincere emails offering you a chance to win easy money or goods. If it seems too good to be true, it probably is. Be especially careful with unsolicited e-mails from outside the country – it is much more difficult to verify their authenticity.


Protect your computer



Ensure the security of your computer by using an anti-virus and firewall solution. It is also very important that the anti-virus solution, the browser used and the operating system are automatically updated to benefit from the latest security updates.
Avoid using unknown computers and free Wi-Fi networks, as they may have information-stealing mechanisms.





  • Download apps only from official app stores: Apple App Store and Google Play Store. Downloading free apps from unofficial or unknown sources can infect your device with malicious programs.
  • Make sure you always follow your bank's terms and conditions.
  • Be cautious if suspicious or unexpected pop-ups appear during your online banking session. If you have any doubts, please contact ProCredit Bank directly.
  • Never leave your computer unattended when connected to Internet Banking.
  • Make sure you log out properly after completing online banking session.



For more cybersecurity resources/information, please see: